Have you ever struggled practicing a song or difficult passage of the song and felt you weren’t getting very far?
However, when you started playing the next day, the notes began falling into place better than before. Why? The breaks taken between practice sessions actually helped you to process the music better than just continuing in frustration.
I have experienced this many times, whether it is practicing music or learning the computer. Smart Piano Practice is learning when to walk away and take a break. The break helps you process the information away from the piano. As a result, the next day’s practice is much more productive, especially if you consistently practice each day.
I thought it was interesting to see an article “The Siblings of Silence” by Bruce Berr reinforce the truth of how important practice breaks are and how important rests of silence are in the music itself. Good piano playing is won by alternating consistent practicing with resting!
Source: “The Siblings of Silence” by Bruce Berr